Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder

Explore courses and resources for healthcare providers treating patients with opioid use disorder.

About this Online Case-based Learning Collaboratives

Join our FREE 4-session online case-based learning collaborative series on treating opioid use disorder. Discover best practices in treating opioid use disorder and delve into real-world cases provided by addiction experts, applying knowledge to practical situations. Sessions, presented live virtually, are 1.5 hours each.

Didactic Presentation Topics
  1. OUD and Pregnancy
  2. OUD in Adolescents and Young Adults
  3. Hospital-based Approaches to OUD
  4. Methadone in the era of Fentanyl
What to Expect

These 1.5-hour sessions include:

  • One 40-minute didactic presentation on a featured OUD topic followed by Q&A
  • A 15-minute Real-world Case Scenario & Discussion led by addiction experts
  • Learner case discussion and Q&A
  • Up to 1.5 credits per session

Online Recordings

  • Contains 6 Component(s), Includes Credits

    This 1.5-hour session recording is part of the PCSS-MOUD learning collaborative series focused on OUD and pregnancy.

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      • Early Career Physician - Free!
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      • CRT Member - Free!
    • More Information
  • Product not yet rated Contains 6 Component(s), Includes Credits

    This 1.5-hour session recording is part of the PCSS-MOUD learning collaborative series focused on Hospital Based Approaches to OUD.

    • Register
      • Non-Member - Free!
      • Regular Member - Free!
      • Retired - Free!
      • Early Career Physician - Free!
      • Resident - Free!
      • Student - Free!
      • Associate - Free!
      • ASAM Staff - Free!
      • International Member - Free!
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      • Fellow Member - Free!
      • Honorary Member - Free!
      • CRT Member - Free!
    • More Information
  • Contains 6 Component(s), Includes Credits

    This 1.5-hour session recording is part of an online case-based learning collaborative series focused on treating opioid use disorder.

    • Register
      • Non-Member - Free!
      • Regular Member - Free!
      • Retired - Free!
      • Early Career Physician - Free!
      • Resident - Free!
      • Student - Free!
      • Associate - Free!
      • ASAM Staff - Free!
      • International Member - Free!
      • Emeritus Member - Free!
      • Provisional Member - Free!
      • Fellow Member - Free!
      • Honorary Member - Free!
      • CRT Member - Free!
    • More Information
  • Contains 6 Component(s), Includes Credits

    This 1.5-hour, on-demand course is part of an online case-based learning collaborative series focused on treating opioid use disorder.

    • Register
      • Non-Member - Free!
      • Regular Member - Free!
      • Retired - Free!
      • Early Career Physician - Free!
      • Resident - Free!
      • Student - Free!
      • Associate - Free!
      • ASAM Staff - Free!
      • International Member - Free!
      • Emeritus Member - Free!
      • Provisional Member - Free!
      • Fellow Member - Free!
      • Honorary Member - Free!
      • CRT Member - Free!
    • More Information


Funding for this initiative was made possible (in part) by grant no. 1H79TI086770 from SAMHSA. The views expressed in written conference materials or publications and by speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services; nor does mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. 
