Cannabis Policy

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  • Product not yet rated Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits

    This 75-minute on-demand session from the ASAM 54th Annual Conference addresses the evolution of cannabis products including delta-8 THC and other novel cannabinoids available in the United States with a focus on products and preparations available today, their legal status, and methods of consumption.

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      • Non-Member - $39
      • Regular Member - $29
      • Retired - $29
      • Early Career Physician - $29
      • Resident - $19
      • Student - $19
      • Associate - $19
      • ASAM Staff - Free!
      • International Member - $29
      • Emeritus Member - $29
      • Provisional Member - $29
      • Fellow Member - $29
      • Honorary Member - $29
      • CRT Member - $29
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  • Contains 69 Product(s)

    This 85.25-hour on-demand conference includes 69 sessions highlighting best practices and the latest science, research, and innovations in addiction medicine from leading experts in the field.

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      • Non-Member - $759
      • Regular Member - $569
      • Retired - $569
      • Early Career Physician - $569
      • Resident - $379
      • Student - $379
      • Associate - $379
      • ASAM Staff - Free!
      • International Member - $569
      • Emeritus Member - $569
      • Provisional Member - $569
      • Fellow Member - $569
      • Honorary Member - $569
      • CRT Member - $569
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